jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

no hay que saltar a conclusiones

En el diario The Guardian Uri Dromi alega que no hay que saltar a conclusiones en canto a los "crímenes de guerra" cometidos por Israel. Las reacciones de los lectores (más de 500), saltar sobre la hipocresía del articulista.

Algunos de los comentarios al artículo:

1. Uri made excuses and justified murder while it was going on, no surprise he's back again with his own slant of things like "justice" and "fairness" which the rest of the world struggles to recognize.
I agree, it is good that Israeli crimes are allowed to come to light, however they were coming to light even as they were occurring. Everyone who looked, even from overseas and with Israel restrictions and Israeli propagandists on TV every night, could see that the IDF are the real terrorists. And nothing will come of it because it was army policy to kill as many people as possible. That was the whole point of a disproportionate response, to kill civilians.

The only people who missed this were Uri, Petra, and the population of Israel.

Uri defence is particularly sickening where he uses the reports of one totally biased Italian journalist to try and brush away past Israeli crimes. He also, with the line,
The fact that the British did it in Palestine in 1936-39, during the Arab revolt in Palestine, is not an excuse.
No it is not, so why are you even bringing it up? To imply moral equivalence? Feel free. I condemn the crimes of my government and have tried to stop them, not with any success it must be said.
But I do not make excuses and pretend they didn't happen, or try to justify them by lying about the other side, or claiming special status as worlds purest victim.
Why am I telling you all this? Because whenever I see or hear allegations of Israeli war crimes, I have a sense of deja vu.
Yeah, me to. That's because Israel keeps doing it. Your country keeps committing war crimes because large sections of it have become deeply racist and regard the Palestinians as almost sub human. These are the sentiments your own soldiers expressed to their own people, this is the conclusion of years of attacks on neighbouring country's, assassination, murder... that have produced no peace and made no one feel any better.
Yet still you persist.

2.Oh no, how shocking! We were fooled by some clever hoax! And there was me thinking those photos of soldiers wearing tee shirts celebrating child murder were REAL. Of course not- it was those awful Palestinians using photoshop! And all that silly nonsense about UN refuges being targeted. How could we have been so naive? Oh golly gosh- I expect that nice Mr Milliband will tell us how wrong we were to even THINK the Israelis would be capable of such naughtiness. Oh god, I'm so terribly SORRY. And all you dreadful people with you wicked comments about those poor Israelis who suffer from the armed might of those warlike Palestinians- for shame!

3."However, I find it hard to believe that any Israeli soldier would do such a thing intentionally". (Uri)
I find it hard to believe how anyone can be so blind as to disbelieve that. Throughout history we have seen that if you raise an army with a firm picture of whom the enemy is, you will see excesses. Indeed, the Palestinians themselves are prime examples of the mechanism, albeit that they do not have a standing army.
On Italian TV I've seen Gaza farmers, in the presence of volunteer 'peace monitors' and the TV crew, being shot at from the Israeli side of the border whilst trying to harvest a crop of their highly explosive tactical weapon - parsley. Apparently the soldiers thought it a bad idea to let these people have their food.
Maybe, just maybe, if apologists like you would shut the hell up for about a year with your sickening propaganda for the 'poor defenseless state of Israel', we might actually get somewhere.
"Hard to imagine..." feh. It is, if you don't want to see the glaring truth.

4.Uri, a month ago you wrote an almost identical blog. Since then, the evidence is mounting by the day of Israel's war crimes. I take it this is another desperate attempt to deflect critiscism.

I notice you use Jenin as an example of the 'lies' that Israel has to deal with.

These quotes are from the Human Rights Watch report on Jenin:

"During its investigation, Human Rights Watch found serious violations of international humanitarian law."

"During its investigation, however, Human Rights Watch documented unlawful
and deliberate killings, and the killing or wounding of protected individuals as a result of excessive or disproportionate use of force."

"There is strong prima facie evidence that in some of the cases documented grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, or war crimes, were committed. Such cases warrant specific criminal justice investigations with a view to identifying and prosecuting those responsible."

"IDF soldiers in Jenin engaged in the practice of human shielding, forcing Palestinian civilians to serve as "shields" to protect them from Palestinian militants. The practice of human shielding is specifically outlawed by international humanitarian law."

"On April 3, the first day of the attack, IDF fire killed a uniformed nurse, twenty-seven-year-old Farwa Jammal, who had come to the assistance of a wounded civilian on the outskirts of the camp. As the nurse and her sister were trying to reach the wounded man, they came under IDF fire. The nurse was killed with a gunshot wound to the heart, and her sister was severely wounded"

"The wide-scale destruction of the Jenin camp has shocked many observers. Much of the physical damage was caused by bulldozers sent in to clear paths through Jenin camp's narrow, winding alleys. In some cases civilians were not adequately warned of the impending destruction, and in one case a handicapped person died as his house was bulldozed above him and as relatives pleaded with the soldiers to stop"

Erm, care to let us know what the results of the 'thorough investigations' were?

2 comentarios:

  1. y yo para que quiero un niño muerto

  2. Anónimo: el problema radica en la formulación misma de tu pregunta. Adoptar a un niño vivo puede hacerte sentir altruista y generoso (especialmente si entiendes que adoptar es adquirir, obtener un objeto que quisiste), testimoniar por un niño muerto es una confesión de responsabilidad para con el otro, adoptarlo es reconocer la propia impotencia.
