domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Nuestra presentación en inglés (Adopt a dead child)

Adopt a Dead Child
Civil initiative against children deaths in Gaza

“To the memory of the closest among the six million murdered by the National-Socialists, side by side with the millions and millions of all confessions and all nations, victims of the same hatred of the other, the same anti-Semitism”.
Emmanuel Levinas

Hundreds of boys and girls have lost their lives during the Israeli’s army attack to Gaza. That fact alone, beyond all possible analyses, stances and affiliations, should be enough for people of goodwill in the world to feel ashamed of this war and of all wars. This fact is unbearable enough to make us understand the urgency of a solution to this conflict that politicians and leaders could not or do not want to find, and will probably fail to find for decades. If the Israeli victims of missiles attacks from Gaza were the pretext to deploy the attack, the Palestinian victims will be the ferment for new attacks against Israel.
However, even if the pain has been used to fuel the war efforts, we believe that it is possible to transform our fellow humans suffering into a foundation for fraternity and coexistence, if we are capable of approaching this pain and try to perceive what the victims feel.
To this end, we have decided to assume the role of grieving relatives of some of the children who have died during this attack. We are willing to bear witness to their absence and honor their memories: we will each adopt a child killed in the attack to Gaza.
From now on, these children will be part of our family. We will try to get in touch with their families to share their feeling of devastation. We will strive to get to know our little dead better, to find out details of their lives, to have their photo with us. We will tell our friends and acquaintances that in the Israeli army’s attack to Gaza we lost a child we love.
The initiative “Adopt a Dead Child” aims at shaking each person’s conscience with a call to take responsibility for others. It is a gratuitous response, characterized by asymmetry, unconditionality and lack of reciprocity. Because in committing to the quest of truth, moralist indignation is not enough against this form of the “hatred of the other man”, there is a moral obligation to confess unworthiness.
Dead children do not stop growing. For better or for worse, their interrupted paths keep germinating in the living: they end up becoming an unbearable burden or a foundation for bonds and life. Adopting a dead child is a commitment to bear witness. Maybe this testimony, as a word passed to others will build a bridge, a promise of a loving bond capable of demolishing the “anti-Semitism” as defined by Levinas.
We aim to stop the conversion of both people’s pain into more fuel for the war and to transform the dead on both sides into seeds for peace. That is why we started this initiative.
(versión de Gabriela Wolochwianski)

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